Publications using our Npas4 Antibody

Key Studies
Alpuche-Lazcano S.P, Saliba J, Costa V.V, Campolina-Silva G.H, Marim F.M, Ribeiro L.S, Blank V, Andrew J Mouland A.J, Teixeira M.M, Gatignol A. (2021) Profound downregulation of neural transcription factor Npas4 and Nr4a family infetal mice neurons infected with Zika virus. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 15(5):e0009425.
[PMID 34048439]Andrzejak E, Rabinovitch E, Kreye J, Prüss H, Rosenmund C, Ziv N.E, Garner C.C, Ackermann F. (2022). Patient-derived anti-NMDAR antibody disinhibits cortical neuronal networks through dysfunction of inhibitory neuron output. J Neurosci. 42(15):3253-3270.
[PMID 35241491]Bae B, Gruner H. N, Lynch M, Feng T, So K, Oliver D, Mastick G.S, Yan W, Pieraut S, Miura P. (2020). Elimination of Calm1 long 3′-UTR mRNA isoform by CRISPR–Cas9 gene editing impairs dorsal root ganglion development and hippocampal neuron activation in mice (2020) RNA. 26(10):1414-1430.
[PMID 32522888]Brito D.V.C. (2021) Molecular Mechanisms of Memory Formation and Persistence in the Adult and Aged Brain. Thesis
Brito D.V.C, Kupke J, Sokolov R, Cambridge S, Both M, Bengtson C.P, Rozov A, Oliveira A.M.M (2024). Biphasic Npas4 expression promotes inhibitory plasticity and suppression of fear memory consolidation in mice. Mol Psychiatry. 29(7):1929-1940.
[PMID 38347124]Ko B, Yoo J, Yoo T, Paik S, Kim T, Kim J. (2023) Npas4-mediated dopaminergic regulation of safety memory consolidation. Cell Rep. 42(7):112678.
[PMID 37379214]Paterson C. (2020). Mapping the Neuronal Ensembles Responsible for Fear Learning and Fear Extinction. Thesis
Rukundo P, Feng T, Pham V, Pieraut S. (2022). Moderate effect of early‑life experience on dentate gyrus function. Mol Brain. 15(1):92.
[PMID 36411441]Schüle M. (2021) Identifizierung neuer Zielgene des mTOR-Signalwegs in Neuronen. Thesis
Titus A.S.C.L.S, Sharma D, Kim M.S, D’Mello S.R. (2019). The Bdnf and Npas4 genes are targets of HDAC3‑mediated transcriptional repression (2019). BMC Neurosci. 20(1)65.
[PMID 31883511]Ventriglia E.N. The effects of opioid-induced hyperalgesia on neural activity in the ventrolateralperiaqueductal gray (2020). Thesis
Yang J, Serrano P, Yin X, Sun X, Lin Y, Chen S.X. (2022). Functionally distinct NPAS4-expressing somatostatin interneuron ensembles critical for motor skill learning. Neuron. 110(20):3339-3355.e8.
[PMID 36099920]